Top "Io-redirection" questions

I/O redirection is used in shell scripting.

What does >& mean?

I was a little confused by this expression: gcc -c -g program.c >& compiler.txt I know &&…

bash io file-descriptor io-redirection
How can I redirect standard output to a file in Perl?

I'm looking for an example of redirecting stdout to a file using Perl. I'm doing a fairly straightforward fork/exec …

perl io-redirection
Redirecting System.out to a TextArea in JavaFX

Update: Still having the same issue, revised source of main app code: There must be something …

java textarea javafx io-redirection printstream
Why is output different from shell output of same command?

I am using for some automated testing. Mostly to automate doing: dummy.exe < file.txt > foo.…

python c++ python-3.x subprocess io-redirection
How do I redirect input and output with PyCharm like I would on the command line?

With the command line if I am running a python file I can enter: python < &…

pycharm io-redirection
Redirection of stdout to a file not working

I have a script that uses subprocesses to fetch HTML: misha@misha-K42Jr:~/git/domain_classifier$ python …

linux bash io-redirection
What method should I use to write error messages to 'stderr' using 'printf' in a bash script?

I want to direct the output of a printf in a bash script to stderr instead of stdout. I am …

bash stderr io-redirection bash4
How to make WebLogic log all "console" message into a file?

In Eclipse you can see all messages in console (output of System.out.println), but in WebLogic, how can I …

logging weblogic io-redirection
pipe stdout and stderr to two different processes in shell script?

I've a pipline doing just command1 | command2 So, stdout of command1 goes to command2 , while stderr of command1 go to …

bash shell pipe io-redirection
Simulate input from stdin when running a scala program in intellij

Is there any way to configure the command line args to intellij for stdin redirection? Something along the lines of: …

scala intellij-idea io-redirection