Top "Introspection" questions

A capability of some object-oriented programming languages to determine the type of an object at runtime.

Get all methods of an Objective-C class or instance

In Objective-C I can test whether a given class or instance responds to certain selectors. But how can query a …

objective-c introspection objective-c-runtime
Print all local variables accessible to the current scope in Lua

I know how to print "all" global variables using the following code for k,v in pairs(_G) do print("…

lua introspection
What does the slash mean in help() output?

What does the / mean in Python 3.4's help output for range before the closing parenthesis? >>> help(range) …

python python-3.x parameters introspection
How do you get all classes defined in a module but not imported?

I've already seen the following question but it doesn't quite get me where I want: How can I get a …

python introspection python-2.7
Get property name as a string

I need a way to pass a property and get the name assigned to it. Any suggestions? @property (nonatomic, retain) …

objective-c introspection objective-c-runtime declared-property
How Do I Perform Introspection on an Object in Python 2.x?

I'm using Python 2.x and I have an object I'm summoning from the aether; the documentation on it is not …

python introspection python-datamodel
Fastest/One-liner way to list attr_accessors in Ruby?

What's the shortest, one-liner way to list all methods defined with attr_accessor? I would like to make it so, …

ruby introspection
Get a view controller's class name as string

If I have a UIViewController subclass, how can I get the class name as string? I've tried doing [vc class], …

ios objective-c cocoa-touch introspection
How to watch for a variable change in python without dunder setattr or pdb

There is large python project where one attribute of one class just have wrong value in some place. It should …

python debugging introspection pdb
How to introspect django model fields?

I am trying to obtain class information on a field inside a model, when I only know name of the …

python django-models introspection