Top "Into-outfile" questions

MySQL's `SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE` command lets you quickly dump the results of a MySQL query into a file on the MySQL server.

MySQL select into outfile /tmp no output

I cannot get the following code to generate any output. The MySQL user has "all" grant level, /tmp is writable, …

mysql sql into-outfile
Query output to a file gives access denied error

I am trying to capture the output of a SQL query in MySQL, to a text file using the following …

mysql sql mysql-error-1045 into-outfile
MySQL how do you append to a file with INTO OUTFILE?

I have the following code: SELECT * INTO OUTFILE'~/TestInput/Results.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' LINES TERMINATED BY '\…

mysql into-outfile
How to SELECT INTO OUTFILE with header labels enclosed by quotes but not body fields?

I do not believe this question is a duplicate. I want rows in the body to be "OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY" …

mysql export-to-csv into-outfile
MySQL SELECT INTO OUTFILE to a different server?

I have a shell script on server a. The script spits out a csv file to a local directory. The …

mysql sql into-outfile
How to append data from SQL to an existing file

SQL has the option to dump data into a file, using the INTO OUTFILE option, for exmaple SELECT * from FIshReport …

mysql sql file-io append into-outfile
mysql dump to localhost outfile from a remote database

I'm stuck. I basically want to create a LOCAL data file (csv file) from a remote database using the OUTFILE …

mysql sql into-outfile
How can I have MySQL write outfiles as a different user?

I'm working with a MySQL query that writes into an outfile. I run this query once every day or two …

mysql sql into-outfile
Extra backslash \ when SELECT ... INTO OUTFILE ... in MySQL

So I'm trying to export a MySQL table into CSV. I'm using this query: SELECT * FROM business WHERE id > 0 …

mysql sql into-outfile
How do I handle NULL values in a mysql SELECT ... OUTFILE statement in conjunction with FIELDS ESCAPED BY? NULL values are currently being truncated

I'm encountering some difficulties using MySQL's SELECT ... OUTFILE on result sets that include both null values and columns that require …

php mysql sql into-outfile