Handling browser pop-up windows with Selenium

brasskazoo picture brasskazoo · Sep 19, 2008 · Viewed 63.6k times · Source

We are running Selenium regression tests against our existing code base, and certain screens in our web app use pop-ups for intermediate steps.

Currently we use the commands in the test:

// force new window to open at this point - so we can select it later
selenium().getEval("this.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().open('', 'enquiryPopup')");
selenium().waitForPopUp("enquiryPopup", getWaitTime());

...which works most of the time. Occasionally the test will fail on the waitForPopUp() line with

com.thoughtworks.selenium.SeleniumException: Permission denied

Can anyone suggest a better, more reliable method?

Also, we primarily run these tests on IE6 and 7.


branchgabriel picture branchgabriel · Jan 9, 2009

It works!! Just to make it easier for the folks who prefer selenese.

This worked for me using IE7(normal mode).

What a freaking hassle. Thank the spaghetti monster in the sky for SO or there is no way I would have got this working in IE.

    <td>selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow().open('', 'windowName');</td>