Top "Internet-explorer-9" questions

Windows Internet Explorer 9 (abbreviated as IE9) is a web browser developed by Microsoft, released on 14 March 2011.

IE 9 and IE 10 cannot enter text into input text boxes from time to time

There is a web page with an iframe inside. Sometimes, Input text box controls, inside the iframe, are locked/ freezed. …

javascript html internet-explorer internet-explorer-9 internet-explorer-10
Why does my form not upload files in Internet Explorer 9?

Welcome to episode 32,342,343 of "Why does Internet Explorer Suck So Much?"... I've seen lots of reports that IE9 does a …

forms internet-explorer file-upload cross-browser internet-explorer-9
getJSON or AJAX requests not working with IE9

I have been trying to solve this problem for hours (searched here as well but none of the solutions worked) …

jquery ajax internet-explorer-9 getjson
IE9 fieldset rounded corners

I cannot seem to make IE9 render a fieldset with rounded corners whereas other browsers do. Has anyone encountered this …

css internet-explorer internet-explorer-9
Website with JS doesn't work in IE9 until the Developer Tools is activated

I'm developing a complex website that heavily leverages jQuery and a number of scripts. On load of the site, none …

javascript internet-explorer-9
Force IE9 into compatibility mode using javascript

I have a frame that needs compatibility mode but parent frame seems to be setting it so the following tag …

javascript internet-explorer-9 ie-compatibility-mode
Force IE8 or IE9 document mode to standards

Ok so sorry for being blunt here but I have been developing on IE 8 and IE9 for the past 2 years …

html cross-browser internet-explorer-9 ie8-browser-mode
How do I force "Compatibility View" ON in IE9 on a page with a proper Doc Type?

I have a site that is nearly all standards compliant, and expects to be that way across all browsers. However, …

reporting-services internet-explorer-9 cross-browser reportviewer
HTML 5 w3c validation

I validated my website using It reported the following error: Line 5, Column 67: Bad value X-UA-Compatible for attribute …

html internet-explorer-9 w3c-validation