Clear session cookies in ie11?

user3105562 picture user3105562 · Dec 16, 2013 · Viewed 31.4k times · Source

in previous versions of IE the F12 dev tools had several option for cache and cookie management, but in the new IE 11 version (on the network tab) the option to clear / delete session cookies seems to be missing, does anyone know where to find it, (or how to accomplish this)

ps- no, "close IE and restart" is not a solution


EricLaw picture EricLaw · Feb 11, 2014

There's a Clear Cookies for Domain button at the top center of the Network tab in the remodeled F12 tools.

To clear ALL session cookies, in the address bar, type:


and hit enter. Note that you must type this command yourself; if you copy/paste it, IE will delete the javascript: at the front of the string for security reasons.