Top "Internationalization" questions

so that they can easily be adapted to specific local languages and cultures, a process called localization.

How can I change Chrome settings to test using navigator.language

I'm trying to internationalize an app and need to test how it behaves in other locales. However, navigator.language always …

javascript google-chrome internationalization navigator
PHP simple translation approach - your opinion

I am doing a PHP web site, without using any framework. I need that the site is available in several …

php internationalization translation
Spring MVC 3 Locale changing using a link not working

Edit: My Spring framework version 3.0.5 A small issue here, The language is not changing when I click the language changer …

spring-mvc internationalization spring-3
Where are the AngularJS I18n files?

They talk about locale-specific files here but don't mention where to get them (…

internationalization angularjs locale
How to get the default ResourceBundle regardless of current default Locale

I have three resource files in class path: language = Default language = English …

java internationalization locale resourcebundle
Using locale settings to detect wheter to use imperial units

I'm working on an app that wants to display lengths either in centimeters (cm) or in inches("). Is there a …

android localization internationalization units-of-measurement
Localizing Dynamic Plural Noun messages (e.g. "5 Items Processed") on iPhone using Objective-C

In my current app, I have code that displays a message, e.g. "5 Items Processed." To keep the phrase grammatically …

iphone ios localization internationalization localizable.strings
How do I enable the Japanese keyboard on the iPhone simulator?

I have a UITableview with a UISearchBar, which contain Japanese words, and I want to test if it works to …

ios internationalization keyboard simulator ime
Simple way to use parameterised UI messages in Wicket?

Wicket has a flexible internationalisation system that supports parameterising UI messages in many ways. There are examples e.g. in …

java internationalization properties wicket
Alternatives to gettext?

Are there any general localization/translation alternatives to gettext? Open source or proprietary doesn't matter. When I say alternative to …

localization internationalization gettext