Top "Intellij-plugin" questions

Plugin Development for IntelliJ-based IDEs

lombok @Data complains "lombok needs a default constructor in the base class", when abstract class having final field

@Data public abstract class B { private final String str; } @Data public class A extends B{ private final String s; } Data …

java lombok intellij-plugin
Enable Annotation processors by default

How can I configure IntelliJ IDEA to have Annotation processors enabled by default? Currently, I have to enable it manually …

intellij-idea intellij-plugin annotation-processor
SBT project refresh failed [IntelliJ, Scala, SBT]

Whenever I try to enable auto-import in IntelliJ it always gives me this error: SBT 'Example' project refresh failed Error …

scala intellij-idea sbt intellij-plugin
Java and Scala ClassNotFoundException after upgrading to IntelliJ 14

I recently upgraded to IntelliJ 14, then added Scala support. My main files stopped running. For example the GUI file, which …

java scala intellij-idea intellij-plugin
List all gradle dependencies with their licences

I want to list all maven dependencies (including transitive ones) of my gradle build with their licenses. Is this possible …

intellij-idea ide gradle intellij-plugin
Lombok @Builder not recognised by IntelliJ

I updated IntelliJ IDEA to version 2018.2.7, and Lombok's @Builder annotation is not recognised anymore. The project already had Lombok annotations, …

java intellij-idea lombok intellij-plugin
IntelliJ is very slow when handling big files

I'm using Guidewire development Studio (IntelliJ-based IDE), and it is very slow when handling big text files (~ 1500 lines and above). …

java intellij-idea intellij-plugin guidewire
How to import and run existing plugins from intellij community edition repo

I'm trying to import and run the IntelliJ git4idea (Git Integration) plugin in order to play around and contribute …

intellij-idea intellij-plugin
Log viewer with IntelliJ integration

I'm looking for a log viewer, the most interesting feature for me is integration with IntelliJ and opening log from …

intellij-idea intellij-plugin log-viewer
Clover versus Sonar

I've been vetting Static Analysis tools and I've recently come across both Atlassian Clover and SonarQube. The two products seem …

code-coverage sonarqube intellij-plugin clover