Compiler internal error. Process terminated with exit code 3

WowBow picture WowBow · Nov 3, 2011 · Viewed 15.4k times · Source

I am using Intellij 9.0.4 I checked out a project from SVN, set up tomcat (its running locally), and now I am trying to Make (or Compile) but it keeps giving me Error:Compiler internal error. Process terminated with exit code 3. I have searched the internet and couldn't get this type exit code 3.

Do you have any idea? Or which log file should I have to check to see details of the problem? Thanks

SOLVED: I got it. Just increase the maximum heap size of the compiler(Setting->Compiler->Java Compiler)


WowBow picture WowBow · Nov 17, 2011

SOLVED: I got it. Just increase the maximum heap size of the compiler(Setting->Compiler->Java Compiler)