Annotation Processor in IntelliJ and Gradle

TmTron picture TmTron · Feb 24, 2017 · Viewed 26.5k times · Source

tl;dr: I cannot configure IntelliJ to generate the java files in the same directory as gradle

I have a small project which uses the immutables annotation processor. It works as expected in the gradle command line build, but I cannot get IntelliJ to output the generated files to the same directory.

The full project is available on GitLab

Gradle config:
I use the folowing gradle plugins:

  • gradle-idea plugin which handles the idea configuration
  • gradle-apt-plugin which provides the apt configuration and handles the compile-class path and idea config related to annotation processing (if also the idea plugin is applied)

relevant parts of the build-script (link to the full listing):

apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: "net.ltgt.apt"
apply plugin: 'idea'

dependencies {
    def immutablesVersion = '2.3.9'
    compileOnly "org.immutables:value:$immutablesVersion:annotations"
    compileOnly "org.immutables:encode:$immutablesVersion"
    apt "org.immutables:value:$immutablesVersion"

when I start ./gradlew build everything is as expected: enter image description here

  1. The source file is processed an the generated java-file ends up in
  2. /build/generated/source/apt/main under the expected package
  3. and the generated file is also compiled to a .class file

In IntelliJ I activate the annotation processing as suggested by the gradle-apt-plugin docs: enter image description here

Then I execute ./gradlew clean to make sure, that the previous files are gone and then I click Build - Build Project in IntelliJ.
The annotation processor is executed, but the problem is that the generated java file ends up in the wrong location: enter image description here

It is in: /build/generated/source/apt/main/build/generated/source/apt/main/
the bold part is redundant.

What am I doing wrong and how can I set it up correctly, so that IntelliJ and gradle generate the files in the same directory?


  • I have of course already tried to just leave the "Production sources dir" in the IntelliJ annotation configuration empty, but his does not work: then it automatically uses "generated" and I also end up with a wrong path.
  • IntelliJ version 2016.3.4


gavenkoa picture gavenkoa · Feb 9, 2019

Now states:

The goal of this plugin was to eventually no longer be needed, being superseded by built-in features. This is becoming a reality with Gradle 5.2 and IntelliJ IDEA 2019.1.


dependencies {



compileOnly is necessary if you use annotations, compile if you use classes, annotationProcessor introduced in Gradle 4.6.

To enable processing specific compile task:

compileJava {
    options.annotationProcessorPath = configurations.annotationProcessor

To disable:

  compileTestJava {
      options.compilerArgs += '-proc:none'