When I use Idea's embedded command prompt in the tools window I can only see 75 characters. The chars are there but they are not visible:
C:>echo "This is the sentence I want to show you but I get only 75 characters h "This is the sentence I want to show you but I get only 75 characters here"
Neither have I found any setting for this, nor have I found someone with the same problem by googling
Idea version is 13.1.13 on Windows 7 with jdk 1.7x
Outside idea, cmd.exe's (Version 6.1.7601) configuration is not limiting anything to 75
Notice: since IDEA 2016.3.2 this breaks the terminal and is not required anymore. So just delete it when you update to a version it cannot create the Terminal.
For windows change the terminal shell path (File->Settings->Tools->Terminal) from cmd.exe
cmd.exe "/K mode con:cols=500 lines=9999&cmd.exe"
or if using the bash for windows subsystem:
cmd.exe "/K set LINES=9999&C:\windows\system32\bash.exe"
as described in the bug description (https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-117552)
Edit: wrap /K in quotes as well!