Top "Instantclient" questions

PHP 5.4 compilation with PDO-OCI driver using Oracle Instant client

I have downloaded Instant client basic and sdk zip files from Instant Client downloads for Mac OS X (Intel x86), …

php pdo oracle-call-interface instantclient
Oracle instant client : ORA-28759: failure to open file

What i have: red hat 6 server, remote Oracle Database with TCPS connection setup, installed oracle instant client (basic, odbc, sqlplus) …

linux oracle instantclient
Oracle ORA-01805 on Oracle 11g database

Our Oracle 10g database was recently upgraded to 11g. The database is running on a Windows Server 2003 X64 machine. In …

oracle oracle11g instantclient
Oracle instant client with C# windows forms application

I have been looking for this for long time , I have developed Windows Forms App using C # that have to …

c# .net oracle dll instantclient
'oracledb' Oracle Client Library errors ( Error: NJS-045 and other errors)

I have installed the oracledb library to my project folder by using the command 'npm i oracledb --s' it has …

node.js npm-install require node-oracledb instantclient
how to connect oracle database with xampp?

I download the XAMPP Windows 1.8.2 and oracle instant client 12.1. Then, I unzip the oracle instant client file, edit the PATH …

oracle xampp oci8 instantclient