Install Both Anaconda and Miniconda

slalomchip picture slalomchip · Jul 30, 2018 · Viewed 7.3k times · Source

This is not a question of whether I should choose Anaconda or Miniconda. I want both.

I want the full featured Anaconda (with Spyder) installed for my script development, but then I want to minimize (without Spyder) a frozen version of my application. I'm thinking of also installing Miniconda and installing the bare minimum number of packages that are needed to male my application work (primarily OpenCV, Numpy, and PyQT) and then using cx_Freeze to create a distribution package (using Inno Setup for building a Windows installation package).

Is it possible to have both Anaconda and Miniconda on my Windows machine without having conflicts between the two? If so, are there any tricks I need to know?
