hi i am installing wampserver3 addon php 7.0.13 in my computer. Every time i am trying to install i got the following error:-
"The installation folder chosen (%1) in not that of the Wampserver.
Select the installation folder of wampserver."
i am also attaching a screenshot of the following error. kindly help me to resolve this issue.
That's because you are NOT actually installing WampServer, but its PHP add-on.
If you used Google to find it, you probably downloaded and installed the WampServer PHP add on from Source Forge. It would be named something like wampserver3_x64_addon_php7.0.13.exe
You can get the actual WampServer install file from the WampServer project site... which leads you to correct file on Source Forge. It would have a name like wampserver3.0.6_x64_apache2.4.23_mysql5.7.14_php5.6.25-7.0.1
You want to get it from here: