How to install WebLogic server using Console mode in RHEL?

Madura Dissanayake picture Madura Dissanayake · Dec 3, 2014 · Viewed 7.6k times · Source

In my REHL server I'm going to install WebLogic server, But while the installation it shows the following,

Launcher log file is /tmp/OraInstall2014-12-03_01-46-31AM/launcher2014-12-03_01-46-31AM.log.

Extracting files.............. Starting Oracle Universal Installer

Checking if CPU speed is above 300 MHz. Actual 1997.386 MHz Passed Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors. DISPLAY environment variable not set. Failed <<<< Checking swap space: must be greater than 512 MB. Actual 4145148 MB Passed Checking if this platform requires a 64-bit JVM. Actual 64 Passed (64-bit not required) Checking temp space: must be greater than 300 MB. Actual 953 MB Passed

Some system prerequisite checks failed. You must fulfill these requirements before continuing with the installation.

Continue? (yes [y] / no [n]) [n]

Then I tried install with console mode using the following command,

java -jar fmw_12. -mode=console

But it says,

Invalid argument(s): -mode=console

So can anyone help me to install the WebLogic server using console mode? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You.


Jeremy Gosling picture Jeremy Gosling · Dec 3, 2014

It would appear that the interactive console mode of installation has been taken out in this version (it was still there in 12.1.1). The main documentation page here now only mentions this example of running the installer which will attempts to start a graphical UI ...

/home/Oracle/jdk7_51/jdk1.7.0_51/bin/java -jar fmw_12.

However, silent mode is still supported. To install weblogic in the mode, you need to supply a response file containing the values for all the options you would previously have entered as you were going along. Rather unhelpfully, the documentation suggests generating the initial version of this by running the graphical installer!

1. Run your product's graphical installer or deinstaller, 
   as described in your product installation guide.

2. For product installation, on the Installation Summary screen, 
   click Save Response File to save your installation parameters to a response file.

The only real questions it asks is for an Oracle Home directory and what type of installation you want to do (WebLogic Server, Coherence, Complete with Examples). This is what I got for a WebLogic Server install in c:\oracle2 without a link to Oracle support for updates ...


Response File Version=


#The oracle home location. This can be an existing Oracle Home or a new Oracle Home

#Set this variable value to the Installation Type selected. e.g. WebLogic Server, Coherence, Complete with Examples.
INSTALL_TYPE=WebLogic Server

#Provide the My Oracle Support Username. If you wish to ignore Oracle Configuration Manager configuration provide empty string for user name.

#Provide the My Oracle Support Password

#Set this to true if you wish to decline the security updates. Setting this to true and providing empty string for My Oracle Support username will ignore the Oracle Configuration Manager configuration

#Set this to true if My Oracle Support Password is specified

#Provide the Proxy Host

#Provide the Proxy Port

#Provide the Proxy Username

#Provide the Proxy Password

#Type String (URL format) Indicates the OCM Repeater URL which should be of the format [scheme[Http/Https]]://[repeater host]:[repeater port]