How to install golang 3rd-party projects from download sources?

Freewind picture Freewind · May 27, 2012 · Viewed 63k times · Source

I'm trying to install mgo which is a mongo-driver written in golang.

The standard command:

go get

But it failed because of some cert issues.

So I manually download the sources of mgo to local E:\mgo, but I don't know to how install it.

The file tree:

│  ├─branch
│  │  └─lock
│  ├─branch-lock
│  ├─checkout
│  │  └─lock
│  └─repository
│      ├─indices
│      ├─lock
│      ├─obsolete_packs
│      ├─packs
│      └─upload

I tried:

cd mgo
go install

It reports:

auth.go:34:2: import "": cannot find package

But if I try to install bson first:

cd bson
go install

It reports another error:

go install: no install location for _/E_/mgo/bson

So, what's the correct command to install it?


Freewind picture Freewind · May 27, 2012

Finally I successfully install the mgo project. I think it will be helpful for beginners, so I answer it here.

First, we need GOPATH

Define a env variable GOPATH, which is your project root directory, and it should have a sub dir src.

For me, I define it to E:\WORKSPACE_GO\mgo, then create a sub dir src

Copy the project to the src

Then copy the mgo project to %GOPATH%/mgo, but we must be careful about the directory structure. It should be exactly the same as the package defined in sources.

For mgo, it's package is, so the structure should be:


go install

At last, go install them:

cd E:\WORKSPACE_GO\mgo\src\\mgo\bson
go install

cd ..
go install

If there is no error input, it should be successfully installed.