Instagram how to get my user id from username?

Muhammad Reda picture Muhammad Reda · Aug 3, 2012 · Viewed 330.4k times · Source

I'm in the process of embedding my image feed in my website using JSON, the URL needs my user id so I can retrieve this feed.

So, where can I find/get my user id?


Thinh Vu picture Thinh Vu · Jul 13, 2016

Very late answer but I think this is the best answer of this topic. Hope this is useful.

You can get user info when a request is made with the url below:{username}/?__a=1


This url will get all information about a user whose username is therock

Update i June-20-2019, the API is public now. No authentication required.

Update in December-11-2018, I needed to confirm that this endpoint still work. You need to login before sending request to this site because it's not public endpoint anymore. The login step is easy also. This is my demo:

Update in Apr-17-2018, it's look like this endpoint still working (but its not public endpoint anymore), you must send a request with extra information to that endpoint. (Press F12 to open developer toolbar, then click to Network Tab and trace the request.)

Sorry because I'm too busy. Hope this information help you guys. Hmm, feel free to give me a down-vote if you want.

Update in Apr-12-2018, cameronjonesweb said that this endpoint doesn't work anymore. When he/she trying to access this endpoint, 403 status code return.