Top "Insets" questions

inclusion of smaller elements within larger elements; includes html elements, pictures, graphs

Control the two colors of an inset border?

I'm trying to see if there's a way to change the two colors of the inset border in CSS As …

html css border insets
UITableView section header inset missing

How do I fix the problem illustrated in the image? The section header for the tableview is missing an inset.

ios uitableview insets
CSS3 Box Shadow Fade Out Effect

Is it possible to achieve a Fadeout effect with CSS3 Box Shadow? Here's what I have so far This only …

css insets
JTextField margin doesnt work with border

I have a JTextField and i want to setMargin. But when i set any border, it doesn' t properly work. …

java swing margin jtextfield insets
Boxshadow inset not working

I'm using box shadow CSS feature on images in my gallery, but somehow the inset parameter is not working. I …

css insets
Is it possible to do a "zoom inset" using seaborn?

This example from matplotlib shows how to do an inset. However I am working with seaborn, specifically the kdeplot. sns.…

python-3.x matplotlib seaborn insets