Top "Inotify" questions

inotify is a Linux kernel subsystem that informs processes when files are accessed/created/modified or deleted.

incrond running but not executing command under CentOS 6.4

I have installed incron from the EPEL repository (before you ask; YES, I also tried downloading the source and compiling …

bash inotify centos6 selinux
How do I (recursively?) monitor contents of new directories using inotify?

Firstly, I want to start by using inotify to monitor a specific directory (the main directory) for files and sub-directories. …

c unix directory inotify
inotify recursively how to do it?

i need to print events on a folder with multiple subfolders. how to do it recursivly? Please print a c++ …

c++ ubuntu inotify
run inotifywait on background

I have this code copied from as example and work just fine on my case the problem is …

bash inotify inotifywait
Watching multiple files with inotify in perl

I need to watch multiple files in Perl, and I am using Linux::Inotify2. However I am encountering an issue …

perl file-io inotify