Top "Inheritance" questions

Inheritance is the system in object oriented programming that allows objects to support operations defined by anterior types without having to provide their own definition.

How should I have explained the difference between an Interface and an Abstract class?

In one of my interviews, I have been asked to explain the difference between an Interface and an Abstract class. …

java oop inheritance interface abstract-class
How to define custom exception class in Java, the easiest way?

I'm trying to define my own exception class the easiest way, and this is what I'm getting: public class MyException …

java exception inheritance
Python class inherits object

Is there any reason for a class declaration to inherit from object? I just found some code that does this …

python class oop object inheritance
When to use an interface instead of an abstract class and vice versa?

This may be a generic OOP question. I wanted to do a generic comparison between an interface and an abstract …

oop inheritance interface abstract-class
Prefer composition over inheritance?

Why prefer composition over inheritance? What trade-offs are there for each approach? When should you choose inheritance over composition?

language-agnostic oop inheritance composition aggregation
How to invoke the super constructor in Python?

class A: def __init__(self): print("world") class B(A): def __init__(self): print("hello") B() # output: hello In all …

python class inheritance constructor superclass
What is the main difference between Inheritance and Polymorphism?

I was presented with this question in an end of module open book exam today and found myself lost. I …

java oop inheritance polymorphism
In Java, how do I call a base class's method from the overriding method in a derived class?

I have two Java classes: B, which extends another class A, as follows : class A { public void myMethod() { /* ... */ } } class B …

java inheritance methods polymorphism
How do I get a PHP class constructor to call its parent's parent's constructor?

I need to have a class constructor in PHP call its parent's parent's (grandparent?) constructor without calling the parent constructor. // …

php class oop inheritance constructor
Including another class in SCSS

I have this in my SCSS file: .class-a{ display: inline-block; //some other properties &:hover{ color: darken(#FFFFFF, 10%); } } .class-b{ //Inherite …

inheritance sass