list of infrared codes?

Tim picture Tim · Apr 7, 2009 · Viewed 50.8k times · Source

I have an app that controls an IR emitter and would like to get access to the universe of IR codes. Is this something that is freely available, or is it a subscription?

(Companies like harmony and logitech have them - just not sure how I get access to it)

(google did not give me anything useful so far)

NOTE - to be clear - I want a list of devices like TVs, DVD players, etc - like the ones that are printed with universal remotes or ones that are downloaded. However, I want the actual specifications so I can control the IR diode(s).


Pankrat picture Pankrat · Apr 7, 2009

LIRC has a repository of remote controller codes where you can find the codes for various manufacturers of infrared remotes.