Top "Information-schema" questions

The information schema is a set of views providing metadata for objects in relational databases: tables, views, columns, stored procedures, accounts etc.

SQL Server: Howto get foreign key reference from information_schema?

In SQL Server, how can I get the referenced table + column name from a foreign key? Note: Not the table/…

sql sql-server foreign-keys information-schema
Oracle: find index creation date from systables/information_schema?

Using Oracle, how can I find index names and creation dates from systables/information_schema? How can I reproduce, from …

sql oracle metadata information-schema
Find all tables whose name ends with a certain suffix

I have thousand of tables in database. Some names end with _History. For example : abc_History bcd_History 123_History How …

sql sql-server sql-server-2008 select information-schema
MySQL disable all triggers

For test correctness of query I need disable all triggers in db. I see that in information_schema exists table …

mysql triggers information-schema
Generate CREATE statements for all MySql Tables

I want All CREATE statements of MySql Tables in 1 query result. For example, INFORMATION_SCHEMA contains all table names,comments …

mysql sql information-schema
Find a specific column entry in an unknown table in a database?

I'm aware of this topic ( Find a specific column in an unknown table in a database? ) and my problem is …

sql sql-server sql-server-2008-r2 information-schema
Behaviour of NOT LIKE with NULL values

I want to fetch all columns of a table except of columns of type serial. The closest query to this …

sql postgresql null information-schema
What does the information_schema database represent?

I have one database in mysql. But when i log into phpMyAdmin , it shows another database called information_schema. Is …

information-schema mysql5
List all tables containing a given column name

How do a I list all tables containing a given column name? I'm using Mysql version 4.1.13-nt-log. I know versions …

mysql information-schema
SQL Check if table Exists in C#, if not create

I think I've seen almost every page relating to this question, most likely answer was Check if a SQL table …

c# sql sql-server sqlcommand information-schema