Top "Information-retrieval" questions

Information Retrieval is an area of study concerning with retrieving documents, information or metadata from a collection of unstructured or semi-structured data.

How to extract Highlighted Parts from PDF files

Is there any way to extract highlighted text from a PDF file programmatically? Any language is welcome. I have found …

pdf information-retrieval
Python's NLTK vs. related Java Libraries?

I've used LingPipe, Stanford's NER, RiTa and various sentence similarity libraries for my previous Java projects that focused on text (…

java python information-retrieval nltk wordnet
How to calculate TF*IDF for a single new document to be classified?

I am using document-term vectors to represent a collection of document. I use TF*IDF to calculate the term weight …

machine-learning classification information-retrieval text-mining document-classification
How to use MultiFieldQueryParser from Lucene?

I am using Version.Lucene_29. Using the normal string query method i could do the following: Directory directory = new FSDirectory(...); //…

java lucene indexing information-retrieval
Lemmatization of non-English words?

I would like to apply lemmatization to reduce the inflectional forms of words. I know that for English language WordNet …

python nltk information-retrieval information-extraction lemmatization
Computing similarity between two lists

EDIT: as everyone is getting confused, I want to simplify my question. I have two ordered lists. Now, I just …

algorithm search statistics probability information-retrieval
What is the TREC format?

I'm looking for the specifications of the TREC format. I've been googling a lot but I didn't find a clue. …

file format information-retrieval
What is the 11pt average precision metric?

I have two questions 1- what is the "11pt average precision metric"? 2- and how to use it in information …

artificial-intelligence machine-learning information-retrieval
get links from a google search in C#

I'm trying to program a simple search in google via C# that would run a query of my choice and …

c# information-retrieval google-search-api