Immutability is the inability to modify data after it has been created.
What is the best way to convert collection.immutable.Set to collection.mutable.Set?
scala collections immutability mutableI have found that People claim that using all readonly fields in a class does not necessarily make that class's …
c# .net immutability readonlyAllen Holub wrote the following, You can't have a program without some coupling. Nonetheless, you can minimize coupling considerably by …
language-agnostic oop immutability setter getterIs there any elegant way of removing an object from an array which is part of an array? I have …
javascript immutability redux mutationI've been studying Java String for a while. The following questions are based on the below posts Java String is …
java string immutabilitySomething about the id of objects of type str (in python 2.7) puzzles me. The str type is immutable, so I …
python string immutability python-internalsI have read Java String class is immutable and thread-safe but I am still confused about whether the reference assignment …
java string thread-safety immutability reentrantlockI've read a couple of articles on immutability but still don't follow the concept very well. I made a thread …
oop immutabilityI know that cassandra merges sstables, row-keys, remove tombstone and all. But i am really interested to know how it …
cassandra immutability tombstone stream-compactionWith a mutable object I can write something like var user = DAO.getUser(id) = "John" ="john@…
scala functional-programming immutability scala-2.10