Top "Ime" questions

IME stands for "Input Method Editor", and refers to systems that allow users to input characters and symbols not found on their keyboard.

Need number only soft keyboard?

Hi I need a soft keyboard with only numeric values 0 to 9 and Enter key. Shouldn't show anything other than these …

android android-softkeyboard ime android-input-method qwerty
how do you use IME?

I want to make a control that handles user input, so I want to be able to handle different keyboards, …

windows winapi ime
Android: switch to a different IME programmatically reads: Because multiple IMEs may be installed on the device, …

android ime
MSKLC under Windows 10: Create custom keyboard layout which supports IME (input method) for Chinese and combined input in Spanish

This question is originally posted by me in Microsoft Community at:…

ime chinese-locale keyboard-layout
How to determine the current IME in Android?

I have an application where I would like to warn the user if they are not using the default Android …

android keyboard ime android-input-method
Hiragana to Kanji converter

do you know if there is a library in C# or a dictionary that could help me to translate Hiragana …

c# unicode localization ime