Problems installing imagemagick

vpoola88 picture vpoola88 · Oct 21, 2012 · Viewed 14.8k times · Source

Im trying to start my first refinery cms project, and am already having trouble. I am trying to get imagemagick going, and am getting errors. I looked on stackoverflow about changing permissions to my profile, or the directories that have problems, also uninstalling and reinstalling, but so far no luck. I was hoping maybe someone could walk me through fixing this. Thanks so much.

 Mac-Pro:local user$ brew install imagemagick
 Error: You must `brew link jpeg' before imagemagick can be installed
 Mac-Pro:local user$ brew link jpeg
 Linking /usr/local/Cellar/jpeg/8d... 
 Error: Could not symlink file: /usr/local/Cellar/jpeg/8d/bin/wrjpgcom
 /usr/local/bin is not writable. You should change its permissions.


Alex picture Alex · May 2, 2013

After encouragement, here's my comment to the question as an answer.

The problem is that the directory Homebrew is trying to use isn't writable by the user running brew. To fix this, make the directory writable by that user.

sudo chown -R yourusename:admin /usr/local/bin

This recursively changes the ownership of all objects inside the /usr/local/bin directory to the user called yourusername. It assumes that your user is in the OS X administrator group.

If you're not sure of the username of your user, you can run the command whoami.