Top "Imagebutton" questions

An image button is a button that displays an image, regardless of platform

Transparent background in ImageButton with ripple effect?

I want to programmatically remove the grey background in ImageButton. I tried many method of removing it like - imageButton.…

java android xml imagebutton
Android: Center align ImageButtons

I have 2 ImageButons like this I have tried everything to make it align properly in center of screen. As being …

android android-layout imagebutton tablelayout
how to change the ImageButton's image when it is pressed and released?

I want that in my android application, the ImageButton change its image when it is pressed and released, and when …

android imagebutton
Null Pointer Exception when setting LayoutParams

I created button in activity programmaticaly, not in xml file. Then I wanted to set it LayoutParams like in this …

android nullpointerexception imagebutton layoutparams
Capturing LinearLayout onClick events with ImageButton inside it

I have an ImageButton and a TextView wrapped in a LinearLayout like this: <LinearLayout android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_…

android android-linearlayout imagebutton onclicklistener
How do I set the selected state of an image button with xml

I have an image button as defined below. <ImageButton android:text="Play" android:src="@drawable/playpause" android:background="@drawable/…

xml android user-interface imagebutton
ImageButton: Force square icon (height = WRAP_CONTENT, width = ?)

In my horizontal LinearLayout I have a TextEdit and an ImageButton. The ImageButton is as high as the TextEdit. I'd …

android button imagebutton
Android programatically set margin to ImageButton in TableRow

I have defined a TableLayout in my Java code. For each row, I'm displaying three ImageButtons. When one of those …

android margin imagebutton tablerow
clipChilren set to false still clipping

I am using a translate animation to move an egg(ImageButton) outside of the carton(ImageView), but it is consistently …

android imageview imagebutton
Type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.ImageButton' does not have a public property named 'TemplateField'

<asp:GridView ID="grdCatgory" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="false"> <Columns> <asp:BoundField DataField="Name" HeaderText="Name" /&… gridview imagebutton skin