I want to convert from base line Jpeg image to progressive Jpeg image.
There are 10,000 images stored in my Disk.
I tried one website but it is changing one at time.http://www.imgonline.com.ua/eng/compress-image.php
But I want to convert them in bulk.
Is there any online tools or some programming techniques?
Then, let me know.
You can do that with ImageMagick which is installed on most Linux distros and is available for OSX and Windows.
Make a copy before experimenting on a small batch of images!
You can do a whole directory full of JPEGs like this:
mogrify -interlace plane *.jpg
Or, if you want to do one at a time:
convert input.jpg -interlace plane output.jpg
Or, if you want to do a whole directory and every subdirectory on Linux/OSX:
find . -iname \*.jpg -exec convert {} -interlace plane {} \;
Or, you can use GNU Parallel on Linux/OSX if you want to get the job done faster. That goes like this:
parallel -X mogrify -interlace plane ::: *.jpg
If you want the output in a directory called "progressive", use:
mkdir progressive
parallel -X mogrify -path progressive -interlace plane ::: *.jpg
You can also do it with jpegtran which is miles easier to install:
jpegtran -copy none -progressive input.jpg output.jpg