ffmpeg convert a series of images to video - with crossfade or any other transition between every two frames

Narendra Singh picture Narendra Singh · Apr 24, 2015 · Viewed 11.1k times · Source

I am currently able to convert a series of images to video, but I do also need to add transitions / animation in between them.

String[] ffmpegCommand = {"/data/data/mypackage/app_bin/ffmpeg", "-y",
"-qscale", "1", "-r", "" + framerate, "-i", "/data/data/mypackage/app_ipImg/image%3d.jpg",
"-t", "" + (((total_images) * delay_of_each_frame_in_seconds) + 4), //"-s",heightwidth,
"-vcodec", "libx264", "-s", "640x480",
 Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/photo_directory/myVideo.mp4"};

The above command is working for me to create video from image series


Now, I do want to add fade or other transition / animation to be displayed in final video before each of the frames.

I googled a lot, but didn't find any solution to this trouble, yet.

Please suggest me the way.

Thanks in advance.


Guillaume picture Guillaume · May 12, 2017

I would suggest you to find more information about Frame Blending or Motion interpolation.

This is for example used in timelapse videos to smooth the render.

  • To blend frames, use ffmpeg with the tblend filter. For example the following command can help : ffmpeg -i {input} -vf "tblend=average,framestep=2,setpts=0.50*PTS" -r {srcfps} -{encoding parameters} {output}. Replace {input} by your input file, {output} by the name of the output file, {srcfps} by your source frames per second, and -{encoding parameters} the parameters you tell ffmpeg to output. You could also add minterpolate filter to the filter stack to add some motion blur.

  • To generate new frames based on motion, the Butterflow project can help : https://github.com/dthpham/butterflow


    Makes motion interpolated videos (increase a video's frame rate by rendering intermediate frames based on motion, uses a combination of pixel-warping and blending).

    Makes smooth motion videos (simple blending between frames).

    Leverages interpolated frames to make fluid slow motion videos.