responsive images srcset not working

sygad1 picture sygad1 · Feb 21, 2015 · Viewed 57.2k times · Source

I've been trying to implement the new srcset approach to responsive images, using the following HTML

        <img class="swapImages"
        srcset="assets/images/content/large.jpg 1200w,
                assets/images/content/medium.jpg 800w,
                assets/images/content/small.jpg 400w"
        alt="responsive image">

Im using chrome 40 and all I get is the largest image, resizing my browser, clearing the cache does nothing.

I read somewhere I had to polyfill, so I used the picturefill plugin, although chrome should support it.....still doesn't work.

I put together a demo page for it:

What am I doing wrong/not getting?

Any help is massively appreciated.


TondaCZE picture TondaCZE · May 6, 2015

You have it correct.

The thing is, that once your browser has the higher resolution picture (loaded, in cache), there is no point for it to download lower quality one, even when you make your window smaller (the point of this is to save traffic).

So if you want to test this, just make your window smaller and THEN load the page (after clearing the cache / or use incognito mode). You will get the mobile or tablet version. Then by making the window bigger, you'll at some point see your browser switching to higher resolution picture.