Loading image src using a variable containing base64 data in AngularJS

Wilt picture Wilt · Feb 25, 2014 · Viewed 52.3k times · Source

Loading image using variable containing base64 data in AngularJS

I am trying to find the right way to load a image source from a variable containing base64 encoded image data (for example pulled from a canvas using toDataURL(); ).

At first I just tried it like this:

<img src="{{image.dataURL}}" />

where the image is a scope variable with a variable dataURL containing the base64 data. This is actually working pretty well, the only problem is that I get a 404 error in my console. Something like this:

GET http://www.example.com/%7B%7Bimage.dataURL%7D%7D 404 (Not Found)

Not so pretty. When I tried a more angular style solution like this:

<img data-ng-src="image.dataURL" />

the images are not loading at all. I made a fiddle which you can find HERE

Any suggestions how to get rid of this error in my console?


Gruff Bunny was right. This <img data-ng-src="{{image.dataURL}}" /> is working...

Working solution can be found HERE


Gruff Bunny picture Gruff Bunny · Feb 25, 2014

The content of the ng-src needs to be interpolated: Try this:

<img data-ng-src="{{image.dataURL}}"/>