Top "Illegalargumentexception" questions

An exception that indicates that the arguments supplied to a method or function are not valid for their intended purpose, or are different to the format expected by the method.

Preventing/catching "IllegalArgumentException: parameter must be a descendant of this view" error

I have a ListView with some focusable components inside (mostly EditTexts). Yeah, I know this isn't exactly recommended, but in …

android viewgroup illegalargumentexception viewroot
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The servlets named [X] and [Y] are both mapped to the url-pattern [/url] which is not permitted

I tried to add this servlet package com.classmgt.servlet; @WebServlet("/ControllerServlet") public class ControllerServlet extends HttpServlet {} to my Eclipse …

eclipse tomcat servlets mapping illegalargumentexception
Hibernate - IllegalArgumentException occurred calling getter of a class

I seem to be getting this error and have no idea why I'm getting this error. I don't even understand …

hibernate illegalargumentexception
UUID.fromString() returns an invalid UUID?

In my Android app I've got this method which takes a UUID. Unfortunately when I do this: OverviewEvent overviewevent = eventAdapter.…

java android uuid illegalargumentexception
Formatting using DecimalFormat throws exception - "Cannot format given Object as a Number"

This might look like a repeated question but I tried in all the below links and can't get a proper …

java exception overloading illegalargumentexception decimalformat
IllegalArgumentException: File contains a path separator Android

I'm trying to write to an output file on my HTC One and get the following message in the LogCat: 11…

java android file exception illegalargumentexception
Input byte array has incorrect ending byte at 40

I have a string that is base64 encoded. It looks like this: eyJibGExIjoiYmxhMSIsImJsYTIiOiJibGEyIn0= Any online tool can decode this to …

java base64 illegalargumentexception
Host name may not be null in HttpResponse execute for android

I get the error "Target host must not be null, or set in parameters". I DO have Internet permission in …

android http-post httpresponse illegalargumentexception