I'm using MS Log Parser to do simple analytics against IIS logs.
I want a query that generates a report indicating the count of unique IPs hitting URLs, resulting in something like:
url1 3 100 url2 5 253
The problem I'm having is that Log Parser doesn't allow count(DISTINCT c-ip) when using a group by, and I need the group by to get the hit count per URL.
Anyone know how to do this kind of query in Log Parser?
Check out Log Parser Rocks! - example 25) Unique visitors by day should give you a starting point.
Because of the missing DISTINCT you'll have to create 2 queries.
quoting from the above link to provide a full answer here
25) Unique visitors per day. This requires two queries. The first query selects from the IIS logs into a CSV file, and the second selects from that CSV file.
Query 1
logparser "SELECT DISTINCT cs-username, date
INTO tempUniqueVisitorsPerDay.csv
FROM logs\iis\ex*.log
WHERE cs-username <> NULL
GROUP BY Date, cs-username"
Query 2
logparser "SELECT date, count(cs-username) as UniqueVisitors
INTO test.txt
FROM tempUniqueVisitorsPerDay.csv
GROUP BY date"