Top "Iis-express" questions

IIS Express is the developer version of full IIS that doesn't require Administrator rights to run.

Windows Authentication doesn't work with IIS Express 10

At work we were forced into a hardware refresh where we went from a Windows 7 box with VS 2013 and IIS … iis visual-studio-2017 iis-express iis-express-10
IISExpress crashes with 0xc0000008 error

Occasionally when running my MVC4 site in VS2012 using IISExpress I get the following error and IISExpress stops: iisexpress.exe: … mef signalr iis-express
Programmatically determine if code is running under IIS Express

I am not sure this is even possible, but I am hoping for a clue as to determine if the …

c# iis iis-express
IIS Express not stopping when debug session ends

All of a sudden IIS Express no longer stops when I stop debugging a web site in Visual Studio 2017. I'm … visual-studio-2017 iis-express
IISExpress application pool recycle

Is there a way to recycle iisexpress application pool? I open cmd and go to "C:\Program Files\IIS Express" … visual-studio iis iis-express appcmd
Visual Studio 2015 add virtual directory

I have a web project in VS2015 (using IIS Express) and need to add a virtual directory for files that …

visual-studio-2015 iis-express virtual-directory
Why would I get a "503 - Service Unavailable" error when the service is available?

According to this, a 503 error is "503 Service Unavailable The server is currently unavailable (because it is overloaded or down for … iis-express http-status-code-400 http-status-code-503 applicationhost
How do I prevent Visual Studio from modifying the IIS Express site's phyical path in applicationhost.config?

I have a Visual Studio web application project that, for certain reasons, copies files from multiple projects to a separate …

visual-studio iis-express applicationhost