Worker process reached its allowed processing time

Confused picture Confused · May 4, 2009 · Viewed 18.1k times · Source

We are experiencing this issue approximately once a month. It is very hard to pinpoint the cause so any help would be appreciated. This causes the App pool to stop and brings the site down. We have gone through all log files and have concluded nothing. We are using the 2.0.3 version on IIS 6.


nothingisnecessary picture nothingisnecessary · Nov 9, 2012

I've noticed IIS defaults web apps on a 29-hour recycle schedule, which can be troublesome since it may recycle at times your users do not expect it to.

For example: web app starts at 12 am, which means the next day it recycles at 5am, the day after that at 10am, the day after that at 3pm, etc. (this is assuming there is enough request activity against your app to keep it alive so it does not shutdown due to inactivity)

If your web app relies heavily on in-memory session state this is especially bad because the recycle will kill sessions and possibly force users to re-authenticate and lose any unsaved work. (if you don't design your app to work seamlessly with recycling)

Check the recycle schedule and make sure it recycles at a time that you expect. See this for screenshots:

Not sure about the infinite loop suggestion... sounds like you just have a recycling configuration issue to resolve.