Interface for MVVM scenarios in Silverlight and WPF to bind commands from models to controls (Buttons).
I'm trying to pass a command parameter with my command. I have commands in general working but passing a parameter …
c# wpf xaml icommand relaycommandI got the following code from Josh Smith's MVVM tutorial. Can anyone provide a quick explanation of what this code …
wpf icommand relaycommandConsider the reference Josh Smith' article WPF Apps With The Model-View-ViewModel Design Pattern, specifically the example implementation of a RelayCommand (…
wpf mvvm weak-references icommand relaycommandI have an UserControl with a button inside. This button needs to add some items to a Grid that's inside …
c# wpf mvvm user-controls icommandI am working through MVVM Survival Guide for Enterprise Architectures in Silverlight and WPF and have hit a snag in …
c# wpf mvvm icommand relaycommandI'm trying to open a Popup with a button and have implemented a basic ICommand. The button is binded to …
c# wpf popup icommand relaycommand