Top "Icefaces" questions

ICEfaces is a JSF component library.

How to enable/disable components in jsf/icefaces?

I am looking for how to enable and disable the icefaces components based on the user login ? For example: if …

jsf icefaces
Using JSF with multiple tabs in one browser

By default JSF appears to be very 'stateful'. I need to allow people to use our application with multiple tabs …

java jsf icefaces jsf-2
Icesfaces vs Myfaces vs Primefaces

I am starting out a new project that involves the use of JSF 2.0. From my initial reading, the Mojarra and …

jsf-2 richfaces primefaces icefaces myfaces
JSF2 - javax.el.PropertyNotFoundException. Not working with methods

when I try to render the view, browser show this error 01:46:11,371 GRAVE [javax.enterprise.resource.webcontainer.jsf.application] (http--…

jsf jsf-2 icefaces
javascript in jsf/icefaces

I have file with jspx extension i write javascript like function isNumber(inputId){ var value = document.getElementById('mainForm:'+ inputId).…

javascript jsf icefaces
ui:repeat doesn't work with f:selectItem

i am using icefaces select on menu to select a user from list of users and i want to repeat …

jsf-2 facelets icefaces icefaces-1.8
get HttpServletResponse from liferay portal

I am trying to get the HttpServletResponse from liferay portal. I am also working with icefaces. PortletResponse response1 = (PortletResponse)FacesContext.…

jsf liferay icefaces httpresponse
Setting floating point formatting locale for JSF / ICEfaces?

I am writing a JSF (ICEfaces) application using resource bundles to handle internationalisation. The application nicely applies the (default) Dutch "…

java jsf internationalization icefaces
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space on web app usage

I am struggling with an outOfMemory PermGen issue that has been showing up recently. One of the log snippets that …

java jsf memory-leaks icefaces permgen
io.undertow.request remote peer closed connection before all data could be read

I'm running ejb project on wildfly 10 and encountered this error message, UT000128: Remote peer closed connection before all data could …

java wildfly icefaces