No standard function TRIM is available in CLLE. However,
If you want to glue two variables, then look at *TCAT (or |<). This command removes the blanks in between (e.g. 'xyz ' *TCAT 'uvw' becomes 'xyzuvw'
If you really want to trim, then try '' *TCAT $YOURVAR *TCAT '' (can't try this one myself now. No as/400 around at home ... )
Or use the fact that you're working with ILE CL. You can use the command CALLPRC to call a module that can do the trick! Write that module yourself with ILE RPG or COBOL.
I'm using AS400 and I have been asked to call a web service from the green screen.
How can thisbe this achieved?
Any sample COBOL or CL code would be very helpful.
How do you do LIMIT in DB2 for iSeries?
I have a table with more than 50,000 records and I want to return records 0 to 10,000, and records 10,000 to 20,000.
I know in SQL you write LIMIT 0,10000 at the end of the query …
I would like to test a DB2 stored procedure running on an AS400 system.
I have the IBM System i Access for Windows installed and can run SQL commands against the DB2 database.
My question is: What is the syntax …