I2C is a two-wire serial bus.
I am using STM32F4 board as slave receiver and nordic board as master transmitter. I am able to send …
embedded i2c stm32 master-slave stm32f4discoveryI have a DS3231 RTC module and I am trying to read time off of it using my Arduino UNO …
arduino i2c arduino-ide real-time-clockHow to make a character device for i2c device, with open, close, ioctl etc. functions? I was looking for …
c linux linux-kernel linux-device-driver i2cI have been working through some i2c examples. Plugging it all together and I find that I need to …
raspberry-pi3 i2c mpu6050I have a temperature sensor, which is connected using an USB-I2C adapter (http://www.robot-electronics.co.uk/htm/usb_…
linux usb i2cInitially, I used a eBus SDK which supports 8 bits registers for the I2C. This SDK does not support 16 bits …
i2cI'm using the STM32F373 microcontroller and wrote a simple function to read data from a MPU6050 gyro+accel on …
embedded i2c stm32 stm32f4discovery