Getting i18next translator Missing key

Aditya Tomar picture Aditya Tomar · Mar 2, 2017 · Viewed 11.5k times · Source

This is my first time with i18next and I have no idea how to make it work. (it seems like the documentation is incomplete to me) This is my HTML code with i18next

    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="" ></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="/i18nextXHRBackend.min.js"></script>   

      <div id="test">
        <a data-i18n="Hello"></a>
        <div data-i18n="World"></div>

                "debug": true,
                "lng": "en",
                "ns": [
                "fallbackLng": false,
                "keySeparator": false,
                "nsSeparator": false,
                resources: {
                  "backend": {
                    "loadPath": "locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json"
              }, function(err, t) {
               jqueryI18next.init(i18next, $);

And this is my JSON:

{ "Hello" : "Hello in english", "World" : "World in english" }

Nothing display in my page, In console I have got this

i18next::translator: missingKey en translation Hello

i18next::translator: missingKey en translation World 

Am I missing anything?


jamuhl picture jamuhl · May 9, 2017

if you get missing that's a sign for the translations in your json file where not loaded at all.

there should be warnings about backend not able to load those in the console.

make sure: locales/en/translation.json is accessible - or fix the path accordingly