Top "Httpwebrequest" questions

HttpWebRequest is a class for .NET Framework applications that provides a HTTP-specific implementation of the WebRequest class.

Error 502 (Bad Gateway) when sending a request with HttpWebRequest over SSL

I have the following snippet in classic ASP, to send a command and retrieve the response over SSL: Dim xmlHTTP …

c# ssl httpwebrequest
Using a self-signed certificate with .NET's HttpWebRequest/Response

I'm trying to connect to an API that uses a self-signed SSL certificate. I'm doing so using .NET's HttpWebRequest and …

c# ssl httpwebrequest ssl-certificate
ASP.NET HTTP Authorization Header

I would like to know why my application will not add the header to my post when it …

c# httpwebrequest
HttpWebRequest.GetResponse() keeps getting timed out

i wrote a simple C# function to retrieve trade history from MtGox with following API call:…

c# .net httpwebrequest mtgox
Error: C# The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel

I'm trying to make a request via SSL. The certificate is already installed on the machine and it works via …

c# ssl httpwebrequest certificate put
When should one use CONNECT and GET HTTP methods at HTTP Proxy Server?

I'm building a WebClient library. Now I'm implementing a proxy feature, so I am making some research and I saw …

proxy httpwebrequest http-request http-proxy proxy-server
C# HttpWebRequest vs WebRequest

I saw this piece of code: var request = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create(""); Why do you need to …

c# httpwebrequest
How can you add a Certificate to WebClient (C#)?

I know it is pretty simple to add a certificate to a HttpWebRequest. However, I have not found a way …

c# httpwebrequest certificate webclient http-post
Is that possible to send HttpWebRequest using TLS1.2 on .NET 4.0 framework

My application connects to Experian server and Experian will soon stop supporting TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1. All connectivity using HTTPS must …

c# .net-4.0 httpwebrequest .net-4.5 tls1.2
How do I see the raw HTTP request that the HttpWebRequest class sends?

I know you are all going to answer "use a debugging proxy server like Fiddler" but it's not that simple. …

c# debugging proxy httpwebrequest