Edmond picture Edmond · Apr 7, 2018 · Viewed 13.7k times · Source

I have a Clojure application that acts as a proxy service. The goal is to proxy requests to (Grafana service) through the path "/grafana", so that if I access through the browser, it should proxy my request to port 3000 and display the UI for Grafana.

The issue I'm running into is that I get an ERR_INVALID_CHUNKED_ENCODING response in the browser. In Wireshark, requests to port 3000 show that the HTTP response reassembles 3 TCP packets. However, the response for requests going through my proxy are not being reassembled, resulting in the chunking error. Anyone have any ideas on how to resolve this?



Edmond picture Edmond · Apr 9, 2018

The issue was caused when returning the response from my proxy service to the browser. The response contained the header Transfer-Encoding: chunked. This header was necessary when the response went from Grafana -> proxy-service, but not required when going from proxy-service -> browser. So the solution was to remove that header before sending the response back to the browser.