Top "Http-get" questions

HTTP GET is a request method which should be used to retrieve data and should not change state of the server.

GET request works in browser, but I get Unauthorized when using Postman

I am issuing a request via chrome: [org]/api/data/v8.1/accounts?$select=name,accountid&$top=3 and I get …

c# http postman http-get dynamics-crm-2016
"Type 'Object' is not assignable to type" with new HttpClient / HttpGetModule

Following Google's official Angular 4.3.2 doc here, I was able to do a simple get request from a local json file. …

angular api http-get
HTTP Status 405 - HTTP method is not supported by this URL

I have the following servlet: public class MyServlet extends HttpServlet { private static final long serialVersionUID = 16252534; private static int ping = 3000; private …

servlets http-get http-status-code-405
Send both POST and GET in a form

I need to make a form send both POST and GET requests (due to some bugs in IE and iframes), …

php html http-post http-get
How to follow a redirect in http.get in AngularJS?

I am working on a website for coaches to help people have healthier lives by using social media. On the …

redirect angularjs http-get
How can I use jQuery "load" to perform a GET request with extra parameters?

I'm reading the jQuery load documentation and it mentions that I can use load to perform a GET request by …

jquery parameters load http-get
AngularJS - $http get returns error with status 0?

I've an AngularJS application in which I'm trying to get an XML data with $http get from a server say …

javascript xml angularjs cors http-get
Getting URL after a redirect using HttpClient.Execute(HttpGet)

I have searched for a while and I am not finding a clear answer. I am trying to log into …

java httpclient httpresponse http-get
Authentication Error when using HttpPost with DefaultHttpClient on Android

I'm running into a strange problem using HttpClient. I am using a DefaultHttpClient() with HttpPost. I was using HttpGet with 100% …

android https httpclient http-post http-get
Can I make HTTP POST request from Thymeleaf table in Spring Boot application

I have a Thymeleaf template in a simple Spring Boot application. The template contains a list in a table as …

html http-post thymeleaf http-get