Top "Http-1.1" questions

HTTP 1.1 is the latest version of the http protocol.

Versioning a RESTful API with both XML and JSON Content-Type

According to this excellent presentation on designing RESTful interfaces, the preferred way to implement versioning is to utilize the Accept-header, …

json rest content-type http-1.1 hateoas
HTTP: Illegal chunked encoding

I have a .NET client-application which uses a third-party library to access a server via http. The library throws the …

http protocols mime chunked http-1.1
Does empty "Expect:" header mean anything?

Many libraries include Expect: 100-continue on all HTTP 1.1 POST and PUT requests by default. I intend to reduce perceived latency …

ajax web httpserver http-1.1 http-status-code-100
HTTP 1.1 - Can a client request that transfers not be "chunked"?

Is it possible for a HTTP 1.1 client to set a header value that indicates the responses to requests should not …

http chunked-encoding chunked http-1.1 http-chunked
How does a HTTP 1.1 server respond to a HTTP 1.0 request?

How does HTTP 1.1 server should respond to a HTTP 1.0 request for headers like Pragma : no-cache which are supported in HTTP 1.0 …

http http-headers protocols cache-control http-1.1
New Line definition for HTTP/1.1 headers

I have an embedded system that makes a HTTP POST request, however I know that the headers must have a …

http-headers httprequest http-1.1
What if an HTTP/1.1 client talk to an HTTP/2 only server and what if an HTTP/2 client talk to an HTTP/1.1 only server?

HTTP/2 is definitely the future trend because it is now the standard of HTTP protocol. As we can see in …

http2 http-1.1