Top "Html4" questions

HTML Version 4.0 was published in Dec '97 by the W3C.

HTML5 - text input with padding is too wide

I want an input field which will be padded from inside. I'm transferring to HTML5. I have it working in …

css html html4
Why won't <iframe> elements validate in HTML 4.01?

I was just checking to see if it was valid to put an <iframe> element inside a <…

html iframe w3c-validation html4
Valid HTML tag name character

I'm having problems finding out what the valid characters are for an HTML tag. In this (Is the at-sign (@) a …

html tags html4
How to make a <img> tile vertically?

I need to make a background for a website cover the entire screen, BUT tile vertically. I cant use HTML5. …

html image background html4
Rounded border without border-radius

I'm developing a website using with HTML4, CSS2. so I can't use border-radius property. How can I create <div&…

html css web html4
What are the consequences of using percentage for width,height attributes of an img element?

Excuse me if it is a dumb question, but the fact is that I do not have any idea about …

css html width html4