How to remove only underline from a:before?

OptimusCrime picture OptimusCrime · Jan 11, 2012 · Viewed 30.7k times · Source

I have a set of styled links using the :before to apply an arrow.

It looks good in all browser, but when I apply the underline to the link, I don't want to have underline on the :before part (the arrow).

See jsfiddle for example:

Is it possible to remove this? The test-style I sat with #test p a:hover:before does get applied (according to Firebug), but the underline is still there.

Any way to avoid this?


Phrogz picture Phrogz · Jan 11, 2012

Is it possible to remove this?

Yes, if you change the display style of the inline element from display:inline (the default) to display:inline-block:

#test p a:before {
    color: #B2B2B2;
    content: "► ";

This is because the CSS specs say:

When specified on or propagated to an inline element, it affects all the boxes generated by that element, and is further propagated to any in-flow block-level boxes that split the inline (see section […] For all other elements it is propagated to any in-flow children. Note that text decorations are not propagated to floating and absolutely positioned descendants, nor to the contents of atomic inline-level descendants such as inline blocks and inline tables.

(Emphasis mine.)


Thanks to @Oriol for providing the workaround that prompted me to check the specs and see that the workaround is legal.