Find and replace HTML tags

Javier picture Javier · Mar 4, 2009 · Viewed 11.7k times · Source

I have the following HTML:

<p>The quick brown fox.</p>
<p>Jumps over the lazy dog.</p>

I'd like to change it into the following HTML:

<p class="title">Foo</p>
<p>The quick brown fox.</p>
<p class="title">Bar</p>
<p>Jumps over the lazy dog.</p>

How can I find and replace certain HTML tags? I can use the Nokogiri gem.


SimonV picture SimonV · Mar 4, 2009

Try this:

require 'nokogiri'

html_text = "<html><body><h1>Foo</h1><p>The quick brown fox.</p><h1>Bar</h1><p>Jumps over the lazy dog.</p></body></html>"

frag = Nokogiri::HTML(html_text)
frag.xpath("//h1").each { |div| "p"; div.set_attribute("class" , "title") }