Embed an iFrame Tweet into Google Slides

p0rkboi picture p0rkboi · Aug 10, 2019 · Viewed 10.2k times · Source

Hello I tried to embed this HTML code into a Google Slide but I am encountering problems, does anyone know how to do so?

<iframe width="100%" height="300" src="//jsfiddle.net/p0rkboi/hy31kr0a/7/embedded/" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen" allowpaymentrequest frameborder="0"></iframe>


Hrv picture Hrv · Aug 10, 2019

Unfortunately at this time you can not do that. However Google is constantly updating this stuff, so it may be possible in the future.

But Here you can use http://slides.com/. You can add iframe in your presentation.