I've made a HTMLemailer for a client. The emailer has a few line breaks with it. On other clients it looks perfect, until i come across MS Outlook 2007. Outlook doesnt seem to recognize the <br>
and the width that iset inside a <div>
. Is there a fix for this? Thanks in advance.
<table width="602px" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" align="center">
<td colspan="3">
<p align="center" style="font-family: arial; font-size: 11px; color: #000000;">If you are unable to read the contents of this email, please <b><a href="#" style="color:#000000; text-decoration:none;">click here</a></b> to view the online version.</p>
<td colspan="3"><a href="#"><img src="#" width="602" height="161" alt="#"></a></td>
<td colspan="3" style="border-top:2px black solid;"><br><br></td>
Outlook is a pain for most things HTML email. You could try self closing the br tag <br />
, and maybe putting it inside the paragraph element, but I doubt it'll get it working on its own. Other things I'd try are to add a none breaking space
character to force some kind of layout into the td cell, or even going proper old-school and inserting a white padding image with the height set to whatever you need.