By looking at Telegram’s “Markdown Syntax” Wiki page, it should be relatively easy to create text that is bold and italic.
There, it says that
*this is in italic* and _so is this_
**this is in bold** and __so is this__
***this is bold and italic*** and ___so is this___
results in
this is in italic and so is this
this is in bold and so is this
this is bold and italic and so is this
But using
***this is bold and italic***
results in
*this is bold an italic*
___this is bold and italic___
results in
_this is bold an italic_
That is: Telegram’s markdown interpretation must have changed.
When programming a Telegram bot, it is possible to use HTML instead of markdown, but I would like to simply write some bold and italic text to my friends while regularly chatting with them.
Using the markdown syntax that is used here does not work. I already tried it.
How to bold or italic font on Telegram?
= **hello world**
= __ hello world__
= ```hello world```